You Are Not Every Woman


You Are Not Every Woman: Becoming The Best Version Of You


The time has come for you to embark on a journey of reflection and self-discovery. What do you truly want for yourself; not only physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually? Are you living up to your full potential or has fear, doubt and stagnation robbed you of the opportunity to be the best possible version of you? What is holding you back?

Years ago, I committed to walking the road to total transformation. Not content to settle for less than the best version of what I could be, I decided to take the plunge and embrace who I was meant to be. Through a combination of clinical expertise and faith, I developed the steps I want to share with you in this book. Allow me to take you by the hand as we unlock the door to new possibilities. I will share with you, the steps that I have taken to walk in freedom from the need to be all things to all people; to own my humanity and redefine what it means to be my best self. My hope is that this book will help you to find the courage to take that crucial first step.


Ebook, Paperback, Hardcover, Audiobook

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